2012. február 26., vasárnap

Grinding the 15's

I've played a couple of break-even days on the week @ the 15$ (I'm speaking about 400-450 games, so it's not a big deal).  I'm 10-15 BI under EV, but hey, its hyperturbo, there is no reason to cry :D
I've bought a premium membership to www.husng.com , and downloaded all videos. I'm watching Mersenneary's videos firstly, they are very solid for hyperturbos, so I recommend it to everyone. Maybe I'll buy the chadders video pack too, I read the description, and it seems to be very useful (it is for hyperturbos too). Also I'm reading the Mersenneary E-book again, very good stuff, especially the chapters about end-game strategy (cliffnote : you don't have to use nash below 10-12 bb automatically, it is not the optimal play in many situations against various players)

Non poker stuff : I'm thinking about going back to gym, I'd really need it. I'm sitting in front of the computer for very long hours, and I've just read this article on Lifehacker:
http://lifehacker.com/5879536/how-sitting-all-day-is-damaging-your-body-and-how-you-can-counteract-it .
It is about how sitting all day causes health problems, and how you can avoid it. I recommend it to everyone. I'm also getting into basic yoga exercises, to stretch my body after long grinds, and it's a good thing against stress too. I'm feeling the results of it just after 3-4 occasions (however, some moves can be painful if you are forcing them to be perfect so.. don't do it, you have to feel comfortable, not suffering)

I'm listening to the debut album of T.R.A.M, called Lingua Franca now, its not metal, but rather a crazy progressive-jazzy stuff from one of my favourite guitarist, Tosin Abasi.

2012. február 22., szerda

My very first post!

Hi everyone! I'm Adam from Hungary, a 22-year-old student and poker player. I've decided to make a blog about my successes and failures (mostly imo) in poker. I'm playing for 3 years now. I've started with SSS, but I moved to FR SNG short after. I climbed up to the 33$'s on Full Tilt Poker, where I was stopped by a terrible downswing. I felt really bad about it, and started tilting. I wanted to play poker, but not that monotonic FR SNG. Sooo I fired up my first HUSNG table..and that was the nutz!
I've climbed up to the 80$s with turbo-husng's on FTP with an average ROI (I can't remember exactly, but I didn't have a big sample size about the 80$'s), when suddenly..yeah FTP closed. It was terrible for me, because I kept my whole BR on it, and I was playing poker for a living (lookin' back, I was very dumb, nvm). I was given a "first-aid bonus" by an affiliate site (250$ if i'm correct), so I had to start the whole thing from scratch. Yeah it kinda sucked, I had to grind a LOT , because I had to pay rent etc. ( my parents are always helping me, but I'm trying to pay everything by myself, well, if I can afford it). When I reached 1800$, I moved my money from iPoker to PokerStars, and started grinding the 15$-30$'s. And here comes the 1st of February, when BOOM I've started playing hyperturbos.

Here is my graph about February.  Those straight lines are headsup-knockout tournaments, I won one, was second once, and finished ITM 3-4x.

I played 1400 hyperturbos in this month @ 7$'s and 15's, but I don't want to write anything about my ROI and stuff now, because this sample size is not even a sample size in this game.

So this blog will be a poker blog mainly, but I'll mention stuff about other topics which I like, including music (I play guitar, mostly metal), books, and I'm really into science (physics and cosmology mostly), so expect some videos or articles about that too.

I'm planning to post here once a week, and I really hope you guys were enjoy it. Cheers!