2012. március 22., csütörtök

dat doomswitch

I'm running badly at the $15s (I lost 25-30 buyin), so I started mixing my game with $7s games, I still run like god in those. I've just checked my HEM, and I'm 35BI below EV at the $15-$30s. Kinda sucky, but I were warned before I started hypers, that this is totally standard, well, I still want to punch something :D

 Oh, I almost forgot : I won a 1 month premium membership to husng.com on 2+2! You had to make a strategic post, the winner was picked randomly. So now I can buy chadders's videopack now with a discount, I'll do it on next week.

2012. március 16., péntek

30$ HERE I COME... lol jk ovb

Due to the last few days's upswing (I'm in +45 BI @ 15s in the month) , I've managed to reach my br goal, where I can move up to the 30$. So I fired up some tables and.. omg. My ass was kicked even by the worst players, it's funny that I was worried about playing against stronger players, and in the first few games, players who seemed to be regs limp/called, or just called my shove @ 10 bb eff with all kinds of crap like J3s or T8o. There was a dude who kept playing against me, with 0% PFR, limp/calling 100% and calling pre 100%. He just killed me, hit almost every flop, and managed to win all 60/40 and 70/30 situations. All in all, I lost 12-14 buyin, and I decided to drop back to the 15s. Not a big deal, I've just played 30-40 games @ 30$, and ran bad. If  I win back the amount I lost @ 30$, I'll try again (so approx. 30 BI @ 15$). Same stuff was going on, when I were trying to move up to the 15s, I had to move down for 3 times before I could finally stay at the upper limit.
A guy had posted his daily graph to 2+2 yesterday, and it was truly inspiring. He played 10.7 hours 'till 7 AM (what a sicko) @ 15s and 30s, and managed to win +900$. He played more than 300 games 2tabling. I asked in the forum about any tips for better volume/focus/motivation. Somebody suggested, that I should increase the time gradually, it seems to be a good idea (I'll try to add 10-15 min to my grind every day).

I've just bought the EP of a duo called Zelliack for 1$ (the singer is singing in Tesseract too). Funky-jazzy stuff, check it out!

2012. március 11., vasárnap

Running well

It's comfortable to grind the 15s now, I'm in +21 BI in the month. I hope this good run will last until I can move up to the 30s :P I'll need money for the end of the month, because I'd like paint my place, and buy some new furniture. I'm thinking about buying an Xbox360, but it can wait, I don't want to spew my roll too quickly.
The volume is still bad imo, especially now, when if I win the first 4-5 game, I just go lazy and play Skyrim (gosh, that shit is addictive as hell) or play guitar or anything else..


I'm reading The Age of Turbulence by Allan Greenspan. I'm studying management and business stuff, and I'm recently thinking about getting into the field of stock market, I've already read 7-8 book about it, mostly from André Kostolany (hungarian fellow of course).  This book is mostly about economics, but not in the boring way (well..I hope so, I read only the introductory haha) .

I really like www.ted.com , there are hundreds of lectures about various fields, I'll post the best of them here in the future. To begin with, here is one about crows (scary stuff!)

2012. március 7., szerda

Back to the 15s..but meeeeh

Sooo, I've managed to grind out from the so called "downswing", I made +30 bi on the 7s 'till yesterday. Pretty good, I've decided to move up to the 15s again. It had started good (+8 BI),  but then I insantly lost 13 BI. Niice! 

No problem, it's still hyper turbo! 

I was sick for the last few days (stomach ache, fever and stuff), so I didn't play that much tbh. I need to work on my daily volume, I just need motivation imo. I'll try to play 3 "big" sessions a day, each of them will include 40-50 games, with a 15 minute break in them. For motivation, I visit the "daily graph thread" on 2p2 every day, and I'm planning to post my graphs there frequently.

Other stuff :

I've just finished Michael Brooks's 13 Things That Don't Make Sense. It's about 13 unsolved mysteries in science, including dark matter, placebo-effect, sex and death, and cold nuclear fusions. You can read more about it here :13 Things That Don't Make Sense

I know that the majority of you have already heard about or seen this video, but if you don't, take a 30min break while grinding, and watch it. It'll worth it!

Edit : Meh..I really like the moment when I see a powerful video or image, and want to share it without really thinking about it.. Read this after the video : http://visiblechildren.tumblr.com/

2012. március 1., csütörtök

Variance got me! :|

Unfortunately i had to move back to 7s due to the downswing of the last couple days. I can't win over the last 500 game, but it is still a small samplesize, and it says nothing about my game. Obv i have leaks imo, so I've spoken with one of my poker buddys to review hh's. I send him 3 hyperturbo hh, he send me 3. I hope that will improve my game. I continue to watch mers's videos, and I'd really need money for the chadders vid pack.
I made a new 2+2 account with the name "early_grave". My last was "edham" but i wasn't a big poster there. I want to post more hand questions, and comment more to other players hand posts in the future.

My last 500 game, not a big deal (I'm crying obv)

Non poker stuff:

I did a little jamming session with my friend, who'll be the other guitarist in my band. We want to record 2 songs (one of them is 7-8 minutes long, so it will be a small EP imo) in March or April. I'll post them here,  feel free to comment them in the future :) 

Here is an amazing lecture from Brian Brushwood. It is about scams of the modern world (such as astrology, UFOs, crop circles, homeopathy and more). Really funny and interesting, I recommend it to everyone. Enjoy! (The lecture is in 14 part on youtube, but i couldn't find the last 2 part..its a bit tilting)