2012. szeptember 1., szombat

New Challenge for the month!

Wow it's been a while.. I was a bit lazy on the summer ( I played 2700 games in August, with 1.7k profit), but I want to work hard in September. So I'm doing a both profit and volume challenge. My br is tiny again, I'm on the edge of the $30 limit (I have to win 20 buyin @ $15). So the challenge is :

3600 hyper-turbo HU in the next 30 days
2500$ profit with bonuses

I think the volume part can be tough (I never played more than 3k game in one month imo), and the profit part can easily be ruined in just a few days. So it will be hard! If I can do the challenge. I'll finish decorating my apartment, and buy a completely useless expensive stuff for myself! I'll update my blog weekly, if I won't forget.