Yeah..whatever. As you can see I almost reached my volume goal (3000 game), but I'm obviously not happy with the $ I earned. I also took a shot to the $30s... You can see the results around the 2300. game :P
I had to withdraw some money, so it will need 25-30 BI at the $15s to move up to $30. I'll take a 15 BI shot, I hope I'll stay there permanently. I'm tired of these "breakeven" months (I'm speaking about winning an amount, then withdraw all of it). Well I won't have any problems with withdrawing a big amount for at least two weeks, since my wallet was stolen at the previous week.. with all my bank cards.. yikes.
I'm coming with a "goals for May" post tomorrow!
Great poker blog! Nice to see someone in a similar place to myself,Grinding the $7 and $15's at the moment..Would be good to talk further with you on the poker
VálaszTörlésIs there somehow I can reach you?